
FOOD DONATIONS NEEDED ….. We are in need of donations for food! Please consider donating now. Follow the link below to donate. God bless you as you serve the “least of these” .


Serving the people of Zimbabwe

We See You Africa is a non-profit organization, serving the people of Zimbabwe, Africa. Our mission is to provide the people of Manicaland, Zimbabwe with resources, food, training and encouragement. We look forward to partnering with you to bring the love of Jesus Christ to the people.

PLEASE SEE OUR FACEBOOK PAGE FOR TRIP PICTURES AND PROJECTS. https://www.facebook.com/We-See-You-Africa-1510346662512372/

Our Beliefs

We believe Zimbawe’s greatest resource is it’s people. We believe that every human is created in the image of God and has value and purpose. We believe in the Great Commission as stated in the Gospel of Matthew, and provided to us by our Lord Jesus: “To go and make disciples of all nations…teaching them to obey everything….that Christ commands.”

We believe in being good stewards of the resources that God provides us. We strive to use 100% of our donations to further the cause of Christ. We have only one paid staff member, who is our on site local Pastor in Zimbabwe. Our goal is to help the people of Zimbabwe to be self sufficient, and to learn to spread of the love of Christ to others.

How You Can Help

Send Donation

We are in great need of food and money for building materials. Giving online has never been more secure, convenient or hassle-free with our one-click donation. We accept Paypal, cash and checks.

Become a Volunteer

You can get involved today by becoming a Volunteer. We are in need of volunteers who can work in a variety of jobs while in the field. Our expenses are very basic and not padded. Contact us today if you are interested in going to Zimbabwe.

Give Scholarship

Your gift will help equip children in need with necessary resources, training and education while offering the promise of a brighter future. You can make a difference by committing to sponsor a child. We work with many orphans who need the basic necessities to live and thrive.

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CHILDREN: We work with many orphans and underprivileged children who are hungry and in need of love and basic care. We help provide shelter, medical assistance, food and water, misquote nets, clothing and education.

ADULTS: Many adults in our area are hungry and cannot provide for their families. We provide assistance in basic farming and animal husbandry skills. We provide food assistance, education, vocational and evangelism training, basic medical help via payments for medicines and trips to the doctor. We also provide pastoral training.

BUILDING: We assist the local people in building gardens, putting in wells (bore holes), ministry buildings, repairing huts, and making a variety of repairs to existing structures.

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MINISTRY: We have been working on a ministry building for over eight years now. We are in need of donations for materials and workers to help us complete this building.

FOOD: We also have an ongoing need for donations for food. Zimbabwe is one of the poorest countries in the world and crops continue to fail due to the lack of rain.

CHILDREN: We attempt to educate many children by paying for their school supplies and entry fees. Pray about sponsoring a child.

Become a Volunteer

With the aim of helping as many people as possible, we always need enthusiastic volunteers. Working in Manicaland is not an easy mission trip, but one that will reward you with many blessings. Trips typically take two weeks, with this including travel time. Pray about how God can use you to serve the People of Zimbabwe! Please contact us for more info.